lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2007

The violence

THE VIOLENCE, Is thing of all?

At the moment the violence is invading the world, this is a bad habit to which many people appeal without cause and they are able to harm irreparable or hopeless to its surroundings, two classes of violence exist: the physics and the psychology, but when being used some of you are it is not known which is worse.

The violence is the abuse of the force that has become the most serious conflict before the peoples thoughts imposition and it drives to the man to their self-destruction, it brings consequences so much physical as psychological; although today are created campaigns or treaties against the violence but are failure, because it is difficult to reach an agreement if some power is of for half, as the political power.

The political power in Colombia represents the cause of more frequent violence, because in this case the interest that in common one has it should be executed in any way with the excuse of the very common one, this way the violence is an employee to arrive to an end and the facts that are required to reach it they are characterized by the man intimidation.

The period during which the Colombian violence became more notorious was between 1948 and 1960, after the Jorge E. Gaitán died, who represented for the Colombian town a great candidate of the liberal party and had many probabilities of being chosen to be a president, disorder them that next they lapsed after this incident they are known as the Bogotazo that is taken as a protest of the town by this murder, and the National Front that was the dispute among the liberal party and conservative that it finishes with an agreement of presidential duration.

Consequently the ideal thing are that nobody happened for in summit of anybody, because according to the commandments to kill is an act in which the man doesn't have own right, because the only one that is able to remove him the life to another is God, the human rights are also violating when wanting to impose something to the force, because the man should be free for the taking of any decision.

In conclusion, as Thomas Hobbes mentions “The man is a wolf for the man", and for more evolution that is given, the man will never stop to attack his own race because he needs to survive, and to achieve it should happen for in summit of other this way that that this making is not the correct thing because for this the end will always justify the means.

domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2007

Final Writing

TIATANIC. The Ship of the Dreams

Titanic is a romantic movie, was written and produced by James Camerón, who is recognized in this means by the participation in movies like King Kong, the king of the rings, filmed in format Imax and Weta Digital; this payed for Kate Winslet, who is a Hollywood actress and is recognized who work in movies like Celestial Creatures , Sense and Sensibility among others; and Leonardo DiCaprio, Who is a Hollywood actor and is recognized who work in movies like The Aviathor, Romeo And Julieta, among others. They were people of different social strata who fell in love on board the ship of the dreams "Titanic".

The movie doesn't end up in the fair time, for that reason the directors of 20th Centry Fox and Paramouth Pictures start to despair ´cause the money of the invention 240 millions of dollars are exaggerated in that time. the first retaion of the directors when James Cameron give the movie was a total failure but finally Titanic used for first time in 19 of December in1997, and it became the movie number one for four months being able to collect 28 million dollars in the first week of their premiere and win 11 Oscars of their 14 nominations.

This is a dramatic movie in which shown us an impossible love and the sinking of the ship more luxurious of the time, it made part of a real history when a England luxurius vapor ship that have 269 long meters, due to their steel construction it ship was conssiderable indestructible but in the first travel to Southampton - New York, Titanic shatters with an enormous iceberg and it was such the impact that the water floods the compartments and the ship left in two halves and finally it collapsed.

The exactly position of the ship is difficult to know, after long investigations in September 1 of 1985 the screen of a submarine showed the first images of the shipwrecked Titanic. Using the Argo sled that was towed through the ocean by cable, to sound took near 20.000 pictures during four days: pale images of boilers, steel irons, china and shoes.


Complete the sentences below with the phrases from the box

1. Ella Scotchmer could swin ando do many other activities until recently

2. When Louisa May was younger she wasn´t able to finish her studies at the Royal Academy becuse her father died.

3. Elizabeth Collins was able to continue painting after her husbund died.

4. Before the age of 70 Mary Wesley couldn´t write seriously because she was looking after her family.

5. Max Jones managed to run a 54-mile-Ultra-Marathon in South Africa

6. Kyra Vane coul sing beautifully when she was younger

Total English
Students´ Book


Choose the correct alternative

1. Her classes were so boring

2. Our teacher is very calm. She never loses her temper

3. My teacher is very patient

4. The students know everything about the topic open minded

5. If we do stupid things, our teacher shouts

6. When students have problems, our teacher helps them. understanding

7. Our teacher gets angry if we shout

8. My french teacher was really inspiring

Total English
Students´ Book


Mark the statements true (T) or false (F)

1. Miss Honey reads tha names of all children. T

2. The school provides pencils for the children. F

3. All the children are new to the school. T

4. They will stay at the school for eleven years. T

5. Mis Trunchbull is the class teacher. F

6. Miss Honey tells the children how to behave in front of the headmistress. T

7. Miss Honey advises the children not to argue with each other. F

8. The children are happy about being al school. T

Total English
Students´ Book

martes, 16 de octubre de 2007



Question Tags:

Are use to check information
Can be affirmative or negative
It alone to continue to the conversation

read the dialogues. What words go in the gap?
1. Mr Charming: What a beautiful dress! haven´t i seen you before? you work in fashion, __Don´t__ you? Woman: yes, i __Do__. We meet at a fashion show.
2. Mr Charming: I´ve read all your books. You´ve just written a new, one, ___Haven´t_ you? Man: Yes. i _Have__. It´s about a film star.
3. Mr Charming: i love lobster! the food is delicious here. __isn´t_ it? Woman: Yes it _is__. But i prefer caviar.
4. Mr Charming: You´re Sarah, _aren´t__ you? No, you´re Judy! Anyway, can i get you a drink? Sarah: i´m sarah! Judy: And i´d love a drink!
5. Mr Charming: You were at the last party here, __Weren´t_ you? Would you like something to eat Dog: Woof woof! Mr Charming: Yes you __Would_!

First Conditional with If:

Are use to talk about a real possibilities in the future

First Conditional with When:

Are use to show the situation is 100% certain.

First Conditional with As soon as:

Are use to emphasise that an event happiness immediately.


Dear Charlie!

How are you? Time ago that I didn’t writing; I hope that you are ok, I’m so good, I’m study medicine in second semester and I have to study so much but is very interesting, last month I studied anatomy, oh my god is very largest to memorize 500 or more parts of your body, but fortunately I already left of that modulate, now I’m in neurology modulate, people said that is easy in comparison to anatomy but I don’t know, I hope that, maybe tomorrow we’ll star with brain anatomy, if it is true I will study this week ´cause the brain is compound for 3 cerebral vesicles and 6 sub cerebral vesicles (this topic is very difficult in my opinion), I need a new plan to study, when I’m at collage tomorrow I will study in the free time ´cause I have class every day and sometimes I have 2 or 3 free hours.

On the other hand, do you remember Stella? Of course jaja, she brake up with her boyfriend, I will tell her as soon as I see him with another girl but she never believed me, Martha was married with Pablo Duque is a boss of Microsoft, I think that if she didn’t married her family lose the house.

In this summer when I’m in Spain I will visit you, promises

See you!!

Have to:

Is often use for rules/ regulations


Is a prohibited/ not allowed


Is a recommendation


Rules to raise a good son

All parents have a common dream, have a soon, but sometimes the have mistakes

The child have to sleep before at 8:00 pm
The child most to take the medicine without protesting
The child should be taught to pray before sleeping

Catch me if you can

The writing on the book is about to the movie “Catch me if you can”, the topic sentence is given to know a little summary about this movie and his main character Leonardo DiCaprio.

The topics that the author proposed in the article are: Who are Frank Abagnale, Childhood and tricks, Frank today, wanted all over the world, The FBI´s opinion of Frank.

The article describing Frank who a tricked and cheated men, who all life’s created lies and stole people, the author start to describe how are frank lives, and mentions his parents problems and for this reason the history is began; also his writing the numbers of franks stole and the characters that hi said are.

The article are writing with a good grammatical structure but is necessary more depth because the topics who proposed the author are incomplete, for another hand the author never writing about who was the produce and director of this movie “Steven Spielberg” and who are he? , why he writing that “it was inspired by the true life story of Abagnale; however the movie diverges somewhat from the real events as reported in Abagnale book on his exploits.The film was a critical and commercial success and is well regarded for John Williams' score and its unique title sequence”. The author never mention the inversion of this movie and the publish opinion before and after seen the movie.


Lawyer : One who practices law

Tricked: people who cunning action taken to cheat or deceive, or to surprise and annoy.

Cheated: people who deceive.

Shopkeeper: one who keeps a shop of his own

Managed: to control to be in charge of to deal with tactfully

Advises: To recommended

lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2007

Fast Food, A great Concern for Many!

Look at the introduction

1. What’s the general statement?

The author wants to show a point of view about the criticize of what today represents the quick food for our society, she writes the advantages and disadvantages of this food

2. What’s the thesis statement?

The thesis of her is used is by a reflection for the young people with the quick food, ´cause she writes that is incredible how they think in this way, she outlines the advantages and disadvantages of this food

Look the body

1. What’s the topic sentence of the second paragraph?

She writes in the second and third paragraph about the positive and negative sine of the quick food

2. What’s the support of this argument?

she support this idea being based on real examples, ´cause she writes that when you eat a quick food maybe the people can do time extra for doing extra´s activities, for example using these hour extras to working and for this way win money.

3. What’s the topic sentence of third paragraph?

she also writes the the consequences of this food for the youths, ´cause they think that if they eat up they put on weight and for that reason it is that there is a high index of anorexy overalls in Colombia.

4. What’s the support of this argument?

examples of the real life, as the anorexy

Look at the Conclusion

Her conclusion is very specifies because she makes a good closing to the topic outlining a solution to this.